February/March 2023 League Newsletter
Thoughts from Fr. Carl Markelz,
Director of the League of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague
The Lenten season and preparing for Easter is a wonderful time to consider how we share God’s love like the Infant. The Christ child certainly had stresses and other troubles, but He did not sin.
We can imagine that even in the toughest moments little Jesus was filled with awe. This response to the people and world around us is the stance of thankful hearts.
Three things I am thankful for this time of year: good meals with other Carmelites, friends and family who love me, and YOU.
The Heart of the Infant begs us to share the wonder, awe, and gratitude we have for others. Sometimes we can forget to thank the delivery people or the office workers we meet in a day.
I ask you to join me this time of year and be thankful and cheerful givers. I pray that Jesus helps us all to do this.
Our Prayer Holy little Jesus, you show us that grateful words and living is a deep truth. Walk with us in our humility that we might live in your majesty. Amen. |
In the Heart of The Infant,
Fr. Carl Markelz, O.Carm.
Prior Provincial
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