June 2022 League Newsletter
Thoughts from Fr. Carl Markelz,
Director of the League of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague
As we begin the summer season, I recall several memories of childhood summers. They were a time to relax, play, and forget the cares of school life.
In the Carmelite world, summer is often the time when the friars gather for fraternity, community, and to take a brief rest from the demands of our ministries.
Just a few weeks ago, many of the friars from this province gathered for fraternity and meetings at the Carmelite Campus in Darien, IL neighboring Westmont. They learned about protecting the planet from Fr. Eduardo Scarel, a contributor to Pope Francis’ encyclical on Care for our Common Home.
Many of the friars took time to catch up with old friends in the area, keeping the light of faith burning wherever they went. There was a special celebration at the National Shrine, as many gathered for Fr. Mike Joyce’s ordination to the priesthood.

Certainly, the Christ Child knew the value of taking some time to go beyond the everyday things of life — to rest in God. I hope that you can take some time this summer to grow in your spiritual life, rest, pray, and reconnect with the Infant Jesus in your heart.
Our Prayer
Little Jesus, you knew how to relax and how to play. You teach us the way to live life fully. Watch over our hearts and those of all our loved ones (pause to name some loved ones) _____, that we may rest and enjoy this time of year in grace and peace.
I want to thank you for your interest in hearing from me and your devotion to the Infant Jesus. I hope these occasional messages will provide you with inspiration and hope. As always, I encourage you to reply to me with your prayer intentions.
In the Heart of The Infant,
Fr. Carl Markelz, O.Carm.
Prior Provincial
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