June/July 2023 League Newsletter

Thoughts from Fr. Carl Markelz,
Director of the League of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague

For some years, I’ve been interested in our sense of wonder for God.  Students wonder about the things of God. Older folks wonder at the works of God in their lives. Even infants have a sense of awe and amazement as they grow and experience the world around them!

Today it is clear that our loving Infant Jesus looks at you and me with wonderment. Most often he is seen holding the globe in one hand and blessing with another. It shows us that he keeps us close and makes this world holy.

What a joy it is to know that God is protecting and caring for us with the heart of a child. Please, take some time to reflect on the people and places in your life that you hold and bless. You are doing so for God. 

Our Prayer

God of wonder and awe, you fill us with the love that Christ had from the time he was small. Make us your servants to continue His mission to bless and protect the world and people around us.

In the Heart of The Infant,
Fr. Carl Markelz, O.Carm.
Prior Provincial
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