August/September 2023 League Newsletter
Thoughts from Fr. Carl Markelz,
Director of the League of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague
This has been another summer full of faith and the power of human connection. Looking at the news we can be overcome with all the negatives that we forget all the joys and celebrations in life.
Children and certainly the child Jesus know about enjoying all the high points of life. Birthdays, anniversaries, family reunions, and friendly gatherings make our days more interesting and fun.
Please, take some time in the next month to celebrate something in your own special way as a way to honor the rejoicing heart of the Infant Jesus.
Our Prayer Infant Jesus, you know when it is the time and season for everything. Please, guide us and show us who you want us to be today. Help us to know how to live that out. Let us do this as we take shelter in your tender and loving heart. Amen |
In the Heart of The Infant,
Fr. Carl Markelz, O.Carm.
Prior Provincial
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