April/May 2024 League Newsletter
Thoughts from Fr. Carl Markelz,
Director of the League of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague
April/May 2024
I trust this message finds you well and filled with the grace of the Miraculous Infant Jesus. As we step into a season where sports across the globe are awakening from their off-season slumber, let us reflect on the profound connection between sports and our faith journey.
Just as we dedicate our efforts on the sports field to give glory to God, we recognize that the Miraculous Infant Jesus, like most children, likely found joy in games and sports. Physical endeavors promote the vibrant energy of competition and camaraderie.
In the spirit of the Infant Jesus, who lived a humble human life, let’s take a moment to appreciate the importance of friendly competition in youth and professional athletics alike. It is an opportunity to nourish not only the physical growth of young individuals but also their spiritual and moral development.
I invite each of you to take some time for prayer, seeking guidance on how we can contribute to the positive spirit of sportsmanship in our communities. Whether through coaching, volunteering, or simply cheering on young athletes, let us make a conscious effort to be ambassadors of the Infant Jesus, spreading love and encouragement.

Our Prayer Infant Jesus, send to me the grace and balance to live each moment responsive to your tender and loving heart. Draw me into the promises of your Kingdom with it’s deepest attraction: love. Help me to bring others into your great big embrace. Amen |
Wishing you all a season filled with the blessings of the Miraculous Infant Jesus.
In Christ’s Love,
Fr. Carl Markelz, O.Carm.
Prior Provincial
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