April/May 2023 League Newsletter
Thoughts from Fr. Carl Markelz,
Director of the League of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague
This is one of the most exciting times of the year! We get to leave the cold of winter and penance of Lent for warmer springtime and the Joy of the Resurrection.
Sometimes we grow distant from people and groups that matter to us.
When we grow distant, we know we can always pick up the phone and text or call, send an email, or a simple card. This helps those we love know that we still care, even if it is from a distance.

Looking at the Heart of the Infant in prayer, I am moved by his simple and generous love. He teaches us to welcome even the distant people back into our lives.
Please consider opening your arms to someone who just might be waiting for a welcome sign from you.
Our Prayer Young Jesus, you inspire us to bring glory to God. You show us that to give God glory we must live in the fullness of Love. Hold our hearts in your tender hands that we may glorify God and live in Love. Amen. |
In the Heart of The Infant,
Fr. Carl Markelz, O.Carm.
Prior Provincial
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