All Souls Masses
While we would want to hold on to those we love, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and our deep faith in His gift of eternal salvation, assure us that we can entrust our dearly departed to God. They are not gone from us forever. Our deceased loved ones wait for us on the other side of this life.
This conviction of our Catholic faith encourages you and me to remember and honor the lives of those we love who are no longer with us. Each year on All Souls Day, November 2, we offer our prayers for our family members, relatives and friends who have died. We think of them, and we pray that they are experiencing God’s mercy, God’s peace and God’s love, now and for all eternity.
All Souls Day is a powerful reminder and call to action for all of us. As Catholic Christians we are asked to honor our loved ones who have died, do our very best to carry on the heritage of their goodness and kindness, and pray for their eternal rest, peace and joy in God’s heavenly presence. That is why I truly hope you will send me their names to be remembered in our All Souls Masses being said on November 2nd and throughout the month of November.
In the love of the Infant Jesus,
Very Rev. Carl J. Markelz, O. Carm.
Prior Provincial

Please use the form below to share the names of your loved ones.
All Souls Day
Suggested Donation: $10.00